Pregnant Cyclist Take Two – The First Twenty Weeks
I was blessed in my first pregnancy to not really have any of the typical morning sickness symptoms, but I wasn’t so lucky this second time around.
I was blessed in my first pregnancy to not really have any of the typical morning sickness symptoms, but I wasn’t so lucky this second time around.
If you have daytime running lights on your bike, you will be more likely to catch the driver’s attention, be seen and a possible accident avoided.
I ride just for the love of it, and before I ever raced or participated in events like fondos, I enjoyed just being on my bike.
This focus on strengthening your muscles will enhance your performance, help with injury prevention and aid in making you a more powerful and efficient athlete.
I realized that most days during that week I didn’t drink very much water. Could dehydration really effect my muscles and my recovery that much?
Marty was friendly, approachable and seemed to know how to explain things to people who were relatively clueless about bicycles.